Thursday, December 22, 2016

Update 12/22

Update: 12/22

In between work is about 90% done for a play through.  Need to finish up a few paths and make sure there's no dead ends.  Also I want to make some more images.

As for production, I think I need a mix of design and coding.  My plan is this:
  • First is Brainstorming.  I need a clear vision of the section.  How it should play out and what the player should expect from it.
  • Second is Design.  Design lasts until I figure out the basic architecture of the section.  That is what the player needs to do, what are the obstacles, what are the player's choices/options (roughly).
  • Finally, Coding.  Dialog is done here too.  Ideally, it should be done from beginning to end since coding and dialog doesn't always mesh well with the design.  If coding starts deviating from design, keep coding until a stop point and then I return to Design or Brainstorming.
It's not time based but more objective based.  The nice thing about this is I can break it out to larger or smaller parts of whatever I'm working on.  For example: Finish coding in-between work for complete playthrough, brainstorm picture ideas for in-between work, design semi-success on in-between work, etc.

Anyways, Happy Holidays, everybody!  Eat, drink, be merry with your friends and family!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Update 11/25

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Last week's goals" turned out harder than expected.  I should have known given how much trouble I had with it before.  I ran into a few problems.  First, picture hunting still proves to be time consuming.  Second, picture editing takes even longer.  Third, I couldn't get the right look and had to do a few different approaches.  This section has some visual elements that needs to convey the information clearly (and subtly for some parts).  It took me a while to make sure the player has a fighting chance.

Lastly, I had a clear idea on what to do, but I didn't have a clear design.  I literally sat down to do some work, but couldn't get anything except some high level stuff.  I ended up going back to design work before I could continue.  The "weekly" goal seems to work out well, but now I think I only found half of the solution.  I think I need to find a way to balance some design goals while focusing and making sure I do some coding as well.

Tentatively, I thought it would be balanced by hours, like 1 hour working on design and 3 hours on code.  But it's really just design needs to reach a certain point where it's more productive to code than doing more design.  I plan to give this more thought.

Goal 1: Production planning- find a method to balance design work and code work.
Goal 2: Finish up in between work.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Update: 11/5

Starting with Goal 1: I finally managed to get 4 hours worked on it.  When I was setting up the goals, I completely forgot about halloween and world series.  I got to the 2 hour mark a couple days, but then stalled for a while after that.

Goal 2: Alternate route is about 90% done.  I had to make some changes since it felt a bit too straight forward and repetitive as I was coding it.  I was having a tough time with the last 10% until I realized it depended heavily on what pictures I can find.  So that will remain at 90% done until I get to that part.  I think I'll need another hour to finish up the last 10%.

Lastly, I thought I was going to fail Goal 3 too.  But I came up with an idea that I like right now.  Hopefully, I'll still like it when I start coding it.  It will require some photoshopping and some picture hunting.  This is something I really want done and over so for my next set of goals...

Goal 1: Work 3 hours.
Goal 2: Complete the in-between work, including picture hunting, photoshopping, everything.  Should be completely ready for play testing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Update 10/25

A bit late, but done... sort of.

Action-complete turned out to be less useful than I originally thought.  Dialog plays a lot bigger part in what happens and subsequent actions than I realized.  I found it easier to just work on the dialog than write down what the dialog would be about in notes and guess at appropriate responses for branching.  So I decided to change Goal 2 from action complete to saying first part is playable.  Pictures and descriptions still need to be done

Linking the chapters should be done.  I do need to complete the rework for the in-between mission work (e.g. using the computer to find out who's Smirnov).  This part went through a couple reworks already and as I was coding in the latest re-design, it wasn't fleshing out the way I'd like.  I'm tempted to just do it anyways so I don't have to bother with it any more.

All in all though, setting the goals like this worked out nicely.  I'm actually surprised at how accurate 7 hours was for the goals I set.

New Goals:
Goal 1: Work 4 hours.  Things happening in personal life this week.  So I won't have as much free time as last week.
Goal 2: Complete alternate path in second part
Goal 3: Decide on what to do for in-between work.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Weekly Targets

Here's my plan.  I've decided to set weekly targets for myself and see how far I can get.  The idea is to focus my development instead of working on whatever I feel like at the time.

After each week, I'll mark how well I did in the progress section.  Something like "3/3 Goals Completed".  If this thing works out well, I'll keep track of the last 5 weeks or so.  Just something to see how well I'm keeping up.

Anyways, here are my goals for SJ for next week.

Goal 1: Average 1 hour of work per day, totaling 7 hours.  This needs to be active coding.  Design work and picture/model hunting does not count.

Goal 2: "Action-complete" (no description or story) for the next mission.  Placeholder text as required.

Goal 3: Make sure the last chapter connects up properly to the next chapter.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Update 10/8

Update: 10/8

Worked some more on Dr. Ford.  Did some more design work on the next chapter.  I felt it lacked some excitement and areas for the player to explore and discover.  Hopefully, that should be fixed now.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Update: 9/29

Finally a good update.

To my surprise, I got some time to myself and managed to put it to good use.  Worked on Dr. Allison Ford.  I have a full plan for her section.  Also I did some model hunting for characters showing up in the next chapter (and future chapters).  A couple I like, some I'm not that set on.  I'll see how I feel about them later on and how the story goes.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Update 9/22

It's been a while since my last update.  A lot has happened, but I think I'm finally in the clear.  I'm finally 100% now (again).  I either got sick again or I relapsed with the same thing.  There were a few days where I was perfectly fine, but then I wasn't.  Fortunately, that's clear.

Secondly, my computer had some problems.  When I save something, I sometimes can't immediately reopen them.  They just become unreadable.  I suspected bad sectors or something.  Either way, my hard drive was failing.  Fortunately a friend helped me out and copied it over.  From what I can tell, nothing was lost.  At the very least, nothing related to SJ was lost.

My personal life has been busy all things considering.  Finding it difficult to get much time to work on SJ in private.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Update: 8/10

Still technically sick.  I have an occasional cough, but everything else is good.  I'm basically 99% fine, but still 1% sick.  And that 1% isn't going away easily.

Anyways, I've been working more on SJ.  Spent some time pic hunting for rooms.  As usual, this is a bit difficult.  Need to find a better source for them.

Design wise, I did run into a roadblock.  Fortunately I worked out the cause.  It's because there's two different ways I could visualize [something] and I've been flipping back and forth between the two options.  The roadblock is because I needed to pick one.  So regardless of which option I pick, I'll need to retrofit and re-design a room or two.  Both options has some nice aspects I really like, so I'm still hoping I can find a way to blend the two.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sick =(

Been sick for the past week.  At first, it wasn't too bad, but it just kept getting worse and worse.  Bleh.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Update 7/3

Update 7/3:

More work on SJ.  I'm concerned I'm putting in too much detail that the players will completely skip over.  Been trying to shorten the minutia.  I've been working sporadically so the next chapter is a bunch of disconnected sections.  Need to work on linking everything together.

More of my time was spent on the other game.  Been messing around a bit in twine to see if it's a good match up for the game.  The more I think about the next game, the more I like it.  I like it so much in fact, I worked on a test game in Twine to see how well it'll play and code and write.

More after the jump:

Friday, June 10, 2016

Update: 6/9

Sorry about the no posts for a while.  I've been working and there's just not that much to talk about.

In other news, there's a game idea that I had for a while now.  I was planning on working on it after SJ.  Sort of like a motivator.  But I keep getting ideas for it...

Focus!  I need to focus on SJ!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Update 5/15

Update 5/15:

Not much to say actually.  Continuing to work on the next chapter of SJ.  Slow but steady progress.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Update 4/30

Some good news!  Seraphim's Javelin officially has new content.  Completely untested at the moment and will remain so until the chapter's cleared through.  I don't want bug hunting to stop my momentum.

The end of the last mission was a complete mess.  I remember the last release of SJ people weren't getting the "end of game" part.  Turns out starting and stopping there multiple times was a bad idea.  Unfortunately, I suspect it will keep haunting me until I get it fully tested.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Update 4/15

Had a really crappy personal week.  Everything good that happened was marked by something bad.  And the good never made up for the bad.  Yesterday, I thought about staying in for the rest of the week and hope everything blows over.  I think I'll be happy if nothing good or bad happens til at least Monday.

Some good news on the SJ front though, magazine scene should be done.  It's a lot longer than I'd like.  I forced some of my photoshop work into it which made the scene longer.

I had a wonderful idea on the next chapter that I definitely want to incorporate.  I don't want to go into much detail (even in spoilers) since it heavily hints to major plot points later on.  So I'll keep it a secret for now.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

SJ Combat Plan 4/2

Seraphim's Javelin Update 4/2

I think I figured out the last piece of the combat system.  Design-wise.

Basically, Force is raw damage and attack.  Agility is a combo / multi-turn attacks.  And Skill is specials, buff/debuff moves, that sort of thing.  Some of the buff/debuff functionality is already added.  I just need to expand it further for the Skill combat tree.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

SJ Quick Update (3/24)

SJ Quick Update (3/24):

Did some planning on SJ and figured out more details on the long term goal.  Plot is a lot more defined now.  I think only one or two areas need more details.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Now leaving Skyrim

I have escaped Skyrim!

Finished it up.  Dealt with Alduin, Miraak, and Harkon quite handily.  Lots of fun.  Glad I played it.

Now back to work I go.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Quick Update

A bit late on my update.  But I have an excuse.  I was lost in the world of Skyrim.  I still am actually.

Anyways, I finished up the condom scene.  Magazine scene is coming along.  I have the pictures, just need to write it out and add the code.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Update 2/3: 1st place!

Christmas Carolyn won 1st place.  Yay!  It was a close contest.  Tie breaker vote was 1 vote ahead.  Thanks to everybody who voted!

Don't expect an update on it right away.  Going to be focusing on SJ for now.  If I get a bit tired with it, I'll see about finishing up CC as a break.

Speaking of SJ, I have pics for the condom and magazine.  I know how the story will go with the condom.  Magazine, I have a rough idea but will need to connect the dots a bit.  Depending on how that goes, I might need to go pic hunting some more.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Magazine Design

Quick Update.

From a design perspective, I knew how I wanted the magazine will play out.  Unfortunately, as I was writing it, it didn't seem to flow right.  The story wasn't matching the design I planned for it.

I tried a few different ways of writing it, but it just wasn't meshing with the outcome I wanted.  The standard course of action is to change the design.  Already have one in mind, but ironically, it means the photoshop work wasn't really necessary.

Oh well.  At least it was good practice.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Update 1/26

Lots of snow.  Weather meant places were closed, meaning I had more free time... with the family, who also had more free time.  I did manage to use some of it on SJ.

Photoshopping turned out to be a pain.  I'm still not 100% happy with it.  Right now, I'm just hoping it's good enough once the image shrinks down in size for Rags.  So I decided to cut half of what I wanted I originally planned.  It was an easy cut.  Nobody will realize what's cut unless I say something.

Aside from doing the scene, condom should be finished.  But the scene is still a lot to do.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

SJ Update (1/17)

Seraphim's Javelin Update 1/17:

Did some work on the magazine rack for the grocery mission.  Need to do some photoshop work.  Got some pics for it, but I really want to make some changes to it.  Might not be very trivial.

Have some ideas on how the investigation will continue later on.  This will tie up a few loose pieces design-wise.

My plan is after I finish up the magazine rack, I'll focus on linking to the next mission.  I'll worry about Ford later.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Some good news for people

Done with CC for the time being.  Going back to SJ now. ;p

CC update (1/9)

Christmas Carolyn Update
 Alpha 1

Time slipped away for me.  I had enough time but I mismanaged it.  Spent too much time on stretch goals and didn't factor in my schedule.  Had less free time in the latter part of the week so I had to do a mad scrabble to finish everything up.

Warning: Lots of untested code.  I don't know for certain if you can reach an ending or not.

I plan on continue with bug fixing later on.  Maybe even add in more features.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

CC Update 1/3

Christmas Carolyn Update:

Finished up more with the boss.  Main event is in place now.  Need to figure out if I want an extra step for the true ending or not.

Right now the true ending feels too obvious and too easy.

For the time being, I'll leave it as the too easy way.  Once I think of something better, it shouldn't be too hard to change it.