Saturday, April 30, 2016

Update 4/30

Some good news!  Seraphim's Javelin officially has new content.  Completely untested at the moment and will remain so until the chapter's cleared through.  I don't want bug hunting to stop my momentum.

The end of the last mission was a complete mess.  I remember the last release of SJ people weren't getting the "end of game" part.  Turns out starting and stopping there multiple times was a bad idea.  Unfortunately, I suspect it will keep haunting me until I get it fully tested.


  1. Woooooohoooo! Ok, so it's not quite out and updated just yet, at least not from a general random public point of view but hey, Wooooohoooo all the same!

    1. I second that enthusiasm.

      Minor side-note: the last-but-one update on the "progress report" on the right is the first time in a very long time that I can remember actually knowing what's changed. Previously it's been a bunch of percentages and I haven't been able to relate them to any memory of what was there before, but "Magazine rack: DONE!" made sense to me ... and I want to see it.
