Sunday, July 3, 2016

Update 7/3

Update 7/3:

More work on SJ.  I'm concerned I'm putting in too much detail that the players will completely skip over.  Been trying to shorten the minutia.  I've been working sporadically so the next chapter is a bunch of disconnected sections.  Need to work on linking everything together.

More of my time was spent on the other game.  Been messing around a bit in twine to see if it's a good match up for the game.  The more I think about the next game, the more I like it.  I like it so much in fact, I worked on a test game in Twine to see how well it'll play and code and write.

More after the jump:

The new game idea is very open but structured in what the player can do.  So I was thinking Twine would be a good pick.  Compared with Rags, I don't have to find an image for everything, but I could include some images.  Ren'Py is another option and would probably conform to what I want better.  But I'll deal with Ren'Py later.

Ironically for the quick test game, I didn't like how quickly the story was progressing.  Changes were happening too fast for me and that's when I realized the story I planned was for a longer game.  Which defeats the purpose of the test game.  So I redid the story for something quicker.

New story progressing nicely.  We'll see how it goes.


  1. While I prefer to see more done with SJ, perhaps you should just concentrate and focus on *one* of your games and get that rolling instead of jumping around from game to game and getting little progress in each game done. Just my two cents.

    Regarding SJ (and other games in general), I like the minutia; I like details. I check and strive to examine everything. There might be something there--a useful hint, an item, or it could unlock other things not normally found (though not plot-critical) to reward diligent players. If nothing else, it all adds to the fluff of the world/environment the PC finds himself or herself in.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do! :)

    1. I agree with you completely. I wanted to see the extent of my other game idea, especially since it was kinda distracting me from SJ. At the back of my mind, I kept thinking "don't forget about how I want to do..." It was messing up my focus.

      That said, I've reached as far as I need to go with that idea and been spending more time on SJ.

    2. (Original Anon)
      Sounds like you're over the flu. Glad you're feeling better. ;) And hooray on the SJ front too! (Honestly, "hooray" is such a fun word to say. Makes one want to raise their arms and wave them or something, lol.)

  2. SJ is a lot of fun, but will there be another release soon? I'm really looking forward to exploring more of this story!
