Saturday, December 5, 2015

Quick Update 12/5

Quick update.  Just 2 things.

First, one of my ideas is panning out well.  It's going to be a Twine game since the concept doesn't lend itself well in Rags.  This does run me into problems with css and how I want the game to look.  I'll need to browse around and find a scheme I like.  Not a big fan of the default look, but I seem to lack the skills to come up with something better.

Second, I know how I want Seraphim Javelin to continue, but ...  There's a little puzzle between missions.  I'm a bit stuck on how to present the puzzle.  I worry if I do multiple choice it'll become too obvious.  But if I open ended ("type a word"), I'm certain a lot of people will get it wrong.

I think I might have to come up with a few red herrings and make it multiple choice.

Another thought I had was to actually test it.  See how many people can figure it out without any hand-holding.  (This will spoil the puzzle for the testers though)

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