Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Some good news

While I'm away from a computer with Rags, I can still get some stuff done.  I finished a general outline for the next chapter of Seraphim's Javelin.  It still needs some fine-tuning but I definitely have a direction that I'm happy with.


  1. that is phenomenal news! I am excited to see what comes of this game. It is a great and intriguing start. I have been watching it for a long time now and am overjoyed at the life you are breathing back into it!

  2. YAY! More Javelin!

  3. So, er, are you going to be awesome in the next contest too and leave Javelin on hiatus for another year, skip it to get Javelin updated or work on two games at once?

    1. My plan is to get at least get another chapter of SJ done and released. If a contest strikes my fancy, then I'll work on that. But I do know that people have been waiting very patiently for SJ and patience does wear thin.
