Saturday, January 31, 2015

1/31 Update

Seraphim's Javelin:
Finished up that one nearly complete scene and added to the game.  Ran through a couple test runs to make sure it works.
Planned out the direction of more scenes.
Planning out some more interactions in the game.

Disability Contest:
Putting more thought into this.  I keep flipping back and forth for the engine.  Lately I've been enjoying HTML games and secretly hoping new games would use Twine instead of Rags.

How do people feel about this?  Rags or Twine?


  1. RAGS has significant advantages over HTML. The Twine games seem to be much less games, than they are simply CYOA stories. I hope game designers with good games to share use an actual game engine. Otherwise, a set of HTML files with links to the next step, at the end of each page would do nearly the same thing as Twine.
    Thanks for the game!

  2. Much more discipline is needed to avoid exponential growth with divergent CYOA paths in twine. Another thing I have seen twine fall short in is directional movement and searching mechanics. With that said, Twine is still a great way to tell a story. You could always ask the developers of Twine games what their thoughts are on the engine.

  3. I love the versatility of RAGS. There are decent twine games but they don't come close to what Rags can offer. The best examples of games that Twine can't touch would be Overseer or Mind Shift. You could never mimic the interactivity that those games generate in Twine.
