Saturday, October 8, 2016

Update 10/8

Update: 10/8

Worked some more on Dr. Ford.  Did some more design work on the next chapter.  I felt it lacked some excitement and areas for the player to explore and discover.  Hopefully, that should be fixed now.


  1. GREAT NEWS! Keep up the good work, I check for your status updates regularly. You are innovative and do good work!

    so I am following another game development blog- this one is not erotic in nature. The most recent post was about the deadlines they have set and how they are doing in reaching them. I think you should adopt something like that. Read this post, and see if you can't try something similar. You've done very well at putting out EXCELLENt games when a deadline was hanging over you- give it a go for this and see what you can cram together.

    1. I've tried setting deadlines for myself. Sometimes they work, most of the time, they don't. I do very well with hard deadlines, poorly with soft deadlines.

      That site does give some ideas I haven't tried before, but makes sense once I hear them I'll see how they turn out.
