Friday, June 10, 2016

Update: 6/9

Sorry about the no posts for a while.  I've been working and there's just not that much to talk about.

In other news, there's a game idea that I had for a while now.  I was planning on working on it after SJ.  Sort of like a motivator.  But I keep getting ideas for it...

Focus!  I need to focus on SJ!


  1. Keep up the good work, really excited for the next release.

  2. Are you, by any chance, holding off on releasing any details of this other game until a suitable contest is announced?
    158 hours to deadline on the current one, right?

    1. I wasn't, but that is a good idea. I didn't mention any details because I didn't want to formalize the concept. That would mean giving it more thought when I should be working on SJ.

  3. Can't wait for this game to see a new update. You've already proven what you can do with the amazing "Beth" so naturally I'm looking forward to this release! SJ seems to have far more depth than your average RAGS title and it's certainly more ambitious, which I expect explains it's long development time. There's so many good ideas here that deserve to be worked upon, it'd be a shame to see them go to waste. Keep at it, you're on to something here that has the potential to far outclass so many other titles!
