Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beth: Release 2

Now that the contest is over, I can publish the latest version of Beth.

Release 2.2
(Missed a case with Tim.  Book was still being dropped to the ground.  Should be fixed)

  • Fixed bugged items in the shop
  • Missing ending: Wait option when you're locked up.
  • Missing Lisa.  Lisa was talking but wasn't in the room.  Made an ending impossible to get.
  • Fixed Mental Picture.  It wasn't activating correctly in a specific order
  • Books, Notes, and Laptop SHOULD automatically be placed into backpack when you complete the major task.  Except from Tonya.
  • True Ending now requires 12 Integrity, just because I said so.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SJ: Photoshop skills

Sometimes finding pictures for SJ is hard.  So I've been watching some photoshop tutorials in hopes of shopping some images to get what I want.

I am by no means an expert but I would still like "professional" level images or at least can make changes where you can't tell they were shopped.

Below are two images (after break).  I made one change in one of them.  Which image did I change?  What did I change?  How long did it take you to find it?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Back to SJ

Been busy with personal life.  Managed to write up two dream scenes for Seraphim's Javelin.  One already added to the game without pictures.  The other... I think I'll revise the idea.  Felt a bit awkward.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Twine Experiment Results

Here's the latest build of Primordial Escape (hopefully this works).  It's very short and I have no intentions of continuing it.  So if anyone's interested, have at it.

Now let's talk about it (very lengthy post about Twine!  You've been warned).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twine Experiment Update #2

Looked ahead in my schedule.  For the next week-ish, I'll be away from my computer with Rags.  So I can't do any work with Seraphim.  I do plan on putting some time into the Twine Experiment.  Not sure how much I can get done (free time is limited) but I will post the results when I get back no matter how incomplete.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Twine Experiment Update

I should've checked my schedule before deciding on the Twine Experiment.  Had a lot less time than I thought.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Twine Experiment Words

Interesting list of words. picked 3 words for me from the list:
  1. floccinaucinihilipilification - the action or habit of estimating something as worthless. (The word is used chiefly as a curiosity.)
  2. blennophile - love of slime
  3. thong - an item of clothing fastened by or including a narrow strip of leather or cloth, in particular.
One note: don't put in words that mean the same thing.  I'll just disregard the extras.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Twine Experiment

Gonna try something fun.  I want to experiment a bit with Twine.  Nothing too in-depth.  Just want a full game with Twine done.  So I'm will spend a day working on a quick game.  It will be short of course, but hopefully enjoyable nonetheless.

To get me started, I will use 3 keywords, selected randomly from comments.  Just add a single word or "Keyword: <keyword>" or something like that.  Feel free to post more than once.

I'll pick the keywords on 12:01 am, Saturday, 4/4.