Sunday, May 19, 2019

Game Engine: Rags vs Twine vs ???

I've been looking more into recent games and it seems like Rags fell out of favor.  Twine/HTML seems to be the new king.  From what I could tell from a cursory glance, Twine has a lot of new features/macros that people made.  Combine that with some of the experimentation I did with Javascript in Rags, Twine is starting to look a bit better for what I could do computationally.

That said, how do people feel about Rags nowadays?  Do you just prefer Twine?  Or is there another engine I should be looking at?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Javascript in Rags

I spent a considerable amount of time messing around with javascript in Rags.  I got a good understanding on how it works within Rags and some of the advanced tech you could do.  There are still some hard limitations I'm trying to figure out.  Which is a bit frustrating since they feel like very simple to solve, but I can't seem to get around them and it's stopping me from doing some pretty cool things.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

New Project?

I've been thinking about a new project.  Still fleshing out the details but I think I'm making steady progress on it.  Over the past couple weeks, I've come across some hurdles in design and so far, I managed to overcome them after some time and thought.

Interestingly, one of the problems involved some "heavy" computation.  It was a simple thing for a computer but I was having difficulties doing it in RAGS.  I looked into using the javascript part in RAGS and it seemed to open a new can of worms on how RAGS does javascript.  Some javascript commands don't work?  Anyone know of a good source on this?

I thought about using Twine as the gameplay style kinda suits it but I think it will create too many technical hurdles for me.

Right now, the biggest time sink for the project will be to find suitable pictures.  I'm considering making it text only to give myself and easier time, but I'll wait and see.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I'm alive!

I'm alive! Anybody still check this?

Things have been slowly looking up and I've been itching to get back into game making (although I don't know how much time I have for it).