Friday, January 20, 2017

Quick update

It's been a while, so I decided to fill you in.  I've been dealing with some things in my personal life.  Not going into details but it's keeping me away from game making for now.


  1. Understandable. Hang in there. We've waited a few years for this and will continue to be patient. Hope you're well and thank you for the update

  2. hows things going for both yourself and the game?

  3. Sorry to hear it. It was exciting to see an update on the horizon. You would make a bunch of us happy if you released the alpha incomplete as it is. Hang in there!

  4. Here's hoping that life has gotten easier for you in the last half year. Would love to see some kind of a release!

  5. It's been 9 months- any change in your life?

    1. Yes, but not in the good way. Honestly, I was expecting my situation to improve within a couple months but it just got worse instead.

      I do want to get back into making games. It's just getting trumped by my current list of priorities.

    2. Thanks for the response. I understand- hope things are turning some by now. In the meantime here's an oldy but a goodie that in some ways made me think of your game. It's one of my favorite reads- I only wish it weren't incomplete!
