Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sick =(

Been sick for the past week.  At first, it wasn't too bad, but it just kept getting worse and worse.  Bleh.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Update 7/3

Update 7/3:

More work on SJ.  I'm concerned I'm putting in too much detail that the players will completely skip over.  Been trying to shorten the minutia.  I've been working sporadically so the next chapter is a bunch of disconnected sections.  Need to work on linking everything together.

More of my time was spent on the other game.  Been messing around a bit in twine to see if it's a good match up for the game.  The more I think about the next game, the more I like it.  I like it so much in fact, I worked on a test game in Twine to see how well it'll play and code and write.

More after the jump: