Saturday, August 17, 2013

Re-writing Seraphim's Javelin

Some people are having problems with 2.4.14.  Some games I regularly play updated to 2.4.14 and as a consequence, Seraphim got updated to that version as well.  Not a good excuse but that's what happened.

At the same time, there are a number of bugs where dressing bugs out or character's actions bugs out (namely Watchmaker's briefing or debriefing).  I want to touch up on those and reorganize everything to make it easier for me to track and make sure stuff like that doesn't happen.

Both problems requires a major re-write.  So that's why I decided I could just fix both problems and be done with it.  The more I ignore these two problems, the more I need to do to fix them.

I'm hoping I could finish this quickly so I could get started on more content.

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