Thursday, September 29, 2016

Update: 9/29

Finally a good update.

To my surprise, I got some time to myself and managed to put it to good use.  Worked on Dr. Allison Ford.  I have a full plan for her section.  Also I did some model hunting for characters showing up in the next chapter (and future chapters).  A couple I like, some I'm not that set on.  I'll see how I feel about them later on and how the story goes.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Update 9/22

It's been a while since my last update.  A lot has happened, but I think I'm finally in the clear.  I'm finally 100% now (again).  I either got sick again or I relapsed with the same thing.  There were a few days where I was perfectly fine, but then I wasn't.  Fortunately, that's clear.

Secondly, my computer had some problems.  When I save something, I sometimes can't immediately reopen them.  They just become unreadable.  I suspected bad sectors or something.  Either way, my hard drive was failing.  Fortunately a friend helped me out and copied it over.  From what I can tell, nothing was lost.  At the very least, nothing related to SJ was lost.

My personal life has been busy all things considering.  Finding it difficult to get much time to work on SJ in private.