Sunday, May 24, 2015

Seraphim's Javelin (0.1.13 - Bug Search)

An update and a bug release (?) for Seraphim's Javelin.

Version 0.1.13 - Bug Search

Biggest change is the Rags downgrade.  It requires Rags 2.4.0+ (previous version required Rags 2.4.14+).  This meant a complete rewrite, so there could potentially have a lot of bugs.
Other changes are more pics and redesigned clothing system (hopefully will be more interesting later on).

Primary purpose of releasing it in this state is to test if there's any major bugs in build right now.  I would like to know if anything is broken.  In other words, I need testers.  So here's a build, please post anything you find in the comments.


Oh, one last thing.  I was going to mess around with the pics of the streets in Chapter 1 (the main mission before the game ends).  But I forgot before uploading.  Not that big of a deal, just expect them to change later on.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

5/17 Update

Going through to find pictures for the last few things.  Then need to double check to see if I'm missing anything.  Not too worried though if I miss something.  That's the purpose of a debug build.

With any luck, it'll be ready soon.

Friday, May 8, 2015

5/8 Update

I hate looking for pictures.  Been searching around for hallway and corridor pictures and decent pictures for items.  Take so long to find an acceptable picture.  I did some experimenting with photoshop to fix up the close ones, but it hasn't resulted in anything I like.

As of now, my goal is to finish up chapter 1 and hopefully release a beta build to stomp out any bugs.

Friday, May 1, 2015

SJ Status Update: 5/1

Picture hunting for rooms and items for chapter 1 (the chapter where you find Dr. Smirnov).  About half way through, gonna have to revise some descriptions to match the images better.

Started adding the dialog / hooks for chapter 2.  I already had some stuff in but I had to throw that out for something more aligned to what I've been doing before.