Monday, March 30, 2015

SJ: Redoing clothes

Apparently, Beth was long enough to make me forget where I was in Seraphim's Javelin development.

I loaded it up and started a little bit of work for Chapter 2.  I couldn't remember how I did dialog, so I did a quick run through until I had to get dressed.  I was in the middle of re-working the clothing system.  Silly me.

I was implementing an interesting idea and I think a number of people will enjoy it.  However I might have to scrap it for the time being.  I'd rather spend the time working on Chapter 2 so I can release it sooner.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Some good news

While I'm away from a computer with Rags, I can still get some stuff done.  I finished a general outline for the next chapter of Seraphim's Javelin.  It still needs some fine-tuning but I definitely have a direction that I'm happy with.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Beth: Release 2 To Do List

Once I get back to my personal computer that has Rags on it, I'll start going through the reported bugs and list them here.  This will be an official To-Do List for Release 2.

Feel free to list new bugs or any suggestions here.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Release Build

Release 1:

Hopefully fixed up a lot of problems people are reporting.  Particularly being unable to get good clears on some people.

Beta Release

Beta release:

Beta 1:
Beta 2:
Beta 3:

Beta 3 fixes the locked in closet and stuck in Storage.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Alpha Release!

Okay.  I rushed through everything and got together an alpha release.  Endings are completely untested and the entire game is missing a lot of descriptions and examines, pictures of people. etc.  Fortunately none of that should stop gameplay.

So I'm releasing it as alpha.  I'm hoping to get a list of actual bugs to work on while I fix up on the previously mentioned problems.

The two questions:
1. How long did it take for you to figure out the disability?
2. Did you understand what was happening at the ending (if you can get to it)?

Alpha Release 1:
Alpha Release 2:
Alpha 3:

Please post any and all bugs in comments.


3/20 Status Update

Finishing a lot of things.  Putting a lot of time for this.  Even had someone ask me what I'm working on so late at night, awkward.

I'm at the state I wanted to be at last week.  Rapidly running out of time.  Ending section is taking longer than I thought.

I think my lack of sleep is making the game turn weird.  I seriously worry people won't understand what's going on.  If I had more time, I can mess around with the "weirdness" at the ending.

Going to release an alpha build later today hopefully.  Two main questions I want.
1. How long did it take for you to figure out the disability?
2. Did you understand what was happening at the ending?

Extra Credit Question: I'm terrible at naming my games.  What do you think it should be called?  I'm leaning to just "Beth".  Nice and simple, but lacks any intrigue.  It doesn't sound very compelling.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Quick Update!

Still trying to everything done.  Wasn't as effective as I wanted to be over the weekend.

Quick update:
  • I think Tim's section is done.  I need to run through it and make sure I'm not missing anything.
  • Made a horrifying discovery while coding Tonya's section.  I got to a certain point and I couldn't remember what needed to be done.  Then I realized I never finished designing Tonya's section!  Time to design on the fly.
  • Making good progress on Josh and Sharon's sections.
  • Got pics for most locations.  Need to do some cropping and compression on them though (low priority).
  • Endings are mostly planned.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Quick update!

Quick update: Melanie section is complete.  Not necessarily bug free, but all content with Melanie is done.

Friday, March 13, 2015

3/13 Update

3/13 Update:

  • Finalized casting for Melanie and Beth.
    • Got pictures for Melanie/Beth scene.
    • Got pictures for Tim/Beth scene
    • Got pictures for portraits
  • Started work on Melanie scene
  • Tim section getting closer to finish
  • Sharon and Josh sections are basically all planned out.  Need to code them and write the dialog.
I'm hoping to spend a large amount of time to get a completed alpha over the weekend.

My release plans are to release the alpha first and people can submit the bugs they find.  In the meanwhile, I'll work on stretch features.  After that, I'll release the beta and focus on bugs only.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

3/7 Update

Holy crap, I don't have much time left.  And so much left to do!  This is gonna be a long update...

Features and sections tend to balloon up.  I'm trying to keep things manageable but I don't have much time and still a long ways to go.  I need to actually finish things up now!

I spent some time looking for pictures.  Finding this part to be difficult since I want the right actors doing the right things in the right setting.  I think I definitely have to cut corners here.

Note to self: get some pictures first, then design the scenes in.  Fitting picture into the game seems a lot easier than finding pictures that fit the game.

2nd note to self: Never use the On Game Start action for player ever again.  Takes too long to run through the starting sections of the game to check on new stuff.

A little character teaser for you:
Josh is the president of a nearby frat.  In the past, you filed a formal complaint about them being too loud late at night and they were placed on probation.  Now you need to get something from Josh, but at what cost?