Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Update on Seraphim's Javelin

Good news, everybody.  All major content should finally be in the rework and it is completely playable to some degree.  I am still doing a bit of bug squashing, but the majority of it is there.  The parts that aren't there are either pictures or really easy to do parts (like descriptions) or things I plan to change (so no point in adding them in now).

The bad news is... man, a lot of content's incomplete.  Now I need to work on actually finishing up what should've already been done.  But that means, I'm officially working on new content!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Starting Mission Finished*

Starting Mission should be all done*.  Game play should all be there.  Only thing left should be finish adding images for all the items.  Need to play through a few more times to make sure everything's right.

Started working on the game play for the first side mission.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Two steps forward, One step back

One of the big things for Seraphim's Javelin is converting it back to Rags version 2.4.0, the latest stable version.  Opening the game in a beta designer actually messes up the file and 2.4.0 has problems.

Recently, I accidentally opened the latest rework using the 2.4.14 which messed it up enough that I couldn't save.  Had to use a backup and redo some work.  Wasn't too hard to redo the work, but I am unsure if I redid everything.  There's probably some section of the game I think is completed that is completely untouched.