Friday, January 29, 2016

Magazine Design

Quick Update.

From a design perspective, I knew how I wanted the magazine will play out.  Unfortunately, as I was writing it, it didn't seem to flow right.  The story wasn't matching the design I planned for it.

I tried a few different ways of writing it, but it just wasn't meshing with the outcome I wanted.  The standard course of action is to change the design.  Already have one in mind, but ironically, it means the photoshop work wasn't really necessary.

Oh well.  At least it was good practice.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Update 1/26

Lots of snow.  Weather meant places were closed, meaning I had more free time... with the family, who also had more free time.  I did manage to use some of it on SJ.

Photoshopping turned out to be a pain.  I'm still not 100% happy with it.  Right now, I'm just hoping it's good enough once the image shrinks down in size for Rags.  So I decided to cut half of what I wanted I originally planned.  It was an easy cut.  Nobody will realize what's cut unless I say something.

Aside from doing the scene, condom should be finished.  But the scene is still a lot to do.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

SJ Update (1/17)

Seraphim's Javelin Update 1/17:

Did some work on the magazine rack for the grocery mission.  Need to do some photoshop work.  Got some pics for it, but I really want to make some changes to it.  Might not be very trivial.

Have some ideas on how the investigation will continue later on.  This will tie up a few loose pieces design-wise.

My plan is after I finish up the magazine rack, I'll focus on linking to the next mission.  I'll worry about Ford later.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Some good news for people

Done with CC for the time being.  Going back to SJ now. ;p

CC update (1/9)

Christmas Carolyn Update
 Alpha 1

Time slipped away for me.  I had enough time but I mismanaged it.  Spent too much time on stretch goals and didn't factor in my schedule.  Had less free time in the latter part of the week so I had to do a mad scrabble to finish everything up.

Warning: Lots of untested code.  I don't know for certain if you can reach an ending or not.

I plan on continue with bug fixing later on.  Maybe even add in more features.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

CC Update 1/3

Christmas Carolyn Update:

Finished up more with the boss.  Main event is in place now.  Need to figure out if I want an extra step for the true ending or not.

Right now the true ending feels too obvious and too easy.

For the time being, I'll leave it as the too easy way.  Once I think of something better, it shouldn't be too hard to change it.